Summary of My Literary Interests

I study English Education because my parents believe  I will remain eternally poor, and I enjoy worrying them. I chose English as my primary focus because research papers are tortuous and I am a masochist. I chose to become a teacher because teaching is the closest profession to a drill sergeant without the required military service. I taught in China this summer, and I felt at home in the Communist Party. I chose to have you as a professor again because I knew I would be allowed to take risks. This is good practice for when I eventually drive my future PhD advisor to insanity.

I grew up reading because it gave me an excuse to hide from my sisters. I prefer Russian Literature. The Russians know how to write about misery in excruciating detail. Brothers Karamazov was my first introduction to the genre. The book was excellent as a projectile against my roommate. Also, Father Zosima loves candy and I can claim sainthood in my gluttony. I loved Tolstoy’s, Death of Ivan Illych, although the protagonist’s cathartic demise was disappointing.  Gogol’s short story, “The Overcoat”, was a wonderful summary of materialism, very relevant in today’s American society. Russian literature instills a sense of moral superiority. I can judge others with abandon and without guilt.

20th century South American literature is my other favorite literary genre. Borges’ magical realism resonates with my whimsical nature. Pablo Neruda is great to quote on a date, especially in the original language. The novellas such as By Night in Chile and Pedro Paramo suit my short attention span. I love to read foreign literature because I can pretend I am cultured, even though I am an American.

I look forward to the cooperative paper assignments. Hopefully, my classmates won’t want to expel me from the university by the end of the semester.  I do hope I have given enough of a negative impression to start the semester on an entertaining note. 

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